
Assessing NeRF’s Efficacy in 3D Model Reconstruction: A Comparative Analysis with Blender

NeRF in 2020 changed 3D reconstruction by showing how to effectively optimize neural radiance fields to render photorealistic novel views of scenes with complicated geometry and appearance. In my previous project, I showed how to do 3D reconstruction with Multi-View Stereo (MVS) and Structure from Motion (SfM) which can generate “decent results” However, NeRF uses a fully connected (non-convolutional) deep network to represent a scene that achieved state-of-the-art results.

After taking the “Intro to Blender” by Studio X at UofR, I wanted to work more on my blender model using NeRF. I wanted to see how close we can match the 3D blender model if I randomly only generate images of the 3D model along with their intrinsic and extrinsic parameters, and input them into a NeRF model. This project focuses on building a vanilla-NeRF model from scratch based on the NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis (2020) paper. Note that the latest NeRFs methods use hashing as in instant-NGP since it significantly reduces the required number of layers in MLP. Also, for purely Visual reconstruction Gaussian Splatting is significantly superior to NeRFs. However, this remains a good exercise to understand the mechanics behind the paper which changed 3D reconstruction.


One drawback of NeRF (the one which we will implement) is that once trained, we cannot use the model to 3D reconstruct another object. That is, suppose we have images of pineapple and we use NeRF to 3D reconstruct the pineapple. We cannot use that same model to 3D reconstruct a banana for example. This means, that if we want to 3D reconstruct the banana, we need to train it specifically for these images and then extract the mesh. Hence, we generate our images from Blender by running the script inside Blender which has 100 images (90 training, 10 testing) by rotating the camera on a sphere of radius 3. For each image, we also extract the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters associated. Below is the associated file format for the “Clown” dataset:


├── images/
   ├── train_0.png/
   ├── train_1.png/
   └── .../
   ├── test_0.png/
   ├── test_1.png/
   └── .../

├── train/
   ├── intrinsics/
      ├── train_0.txt/
      ├── train_1.txt/
      ├── train_2.txt/
      └── .../
   └── pose/
       ├── train_0.txt/
       ├── train_1.txt/
       ├── train_2.txt/
       └── .../           

└── test/
     ├── intrinsics/
        ├── test_0.txt/
        ├── test_1.txt/
        ├── test_2.txt/
        └── .../
     └── pose/
         ├── test_0.txt/
         ├── test_1.txt/
         ├── test_2.txt/
         └── .../

Plan of Action

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Understanding NeRF
  3. 3D Model using Blender

  4. Training NeRF

0. Prerequisites

Before we dive into NeRF, let’s get a very brief introduction to the different techniques used in computer graphics to render 3D scenes by simulating the way light interacts with objects.

0.1 Ray Tracing

Ray tracing works by calculating how light interacts with objects in a 3D scene. It’s like simulating the path of a beam of light as it bounces off surfaces, refracts through materials, and creates shadows. This technique tracks rays of light from the viewer’s eye through each pixel on the screen, considering complex interactions such as reflections and refractions. This results in highly detailed and photorealistic images.

Video source: Ray Tracing: How NVIDIA Solved the Impossible!

0.2 Ray Casting

Ray casting is more straightforward. Imagine you’re taking a photo with a camera. For each pixel on the screen, a single ray is sent out from your eye, and it checks if it hits anything in the scene. This technique is quick because it doesn’t consider complex lighting effects like reflections or global illumination. It’s suitable for real-time applications where speed is essential, such as early video games and simple simulations.

Video source: How to make a simple 3D* game in Python from scratch - Ray casting

0.3 Ray Marching

Ray marching is like exploring a scene step by step. It sends out a ray and takes small steps along it, checking for objects or changes in the scene. This is useful for creating unusual and mathematical shapes or for rendering things like clouds or fractals where the structure is complex and not always easy to calculate all at once.

Video source: 2D Ray Marching Visualization : Python

Instead of directly calculating intersections and shading like traditional ray casting, NeRF uses a neural network to learn the 3D representation of the scene. The neural network takes the rays' directions and origins as input and predicts the 3D scene's appearance (R,G,B) and structure (Density) at those points.

0.4 NeRFing a sphere - Part I

Before diving deep into NeRFing a 3D model, I want to take the simplest example: a sphere. We will first try to apply the principles as shown in the NeRF paper to 3D model a sphere. In this section, we will apply ray-casting techniques in order to create a sphere then we will improve it in the following sections.

We start by defining the difference between a line and a ray. while a line is an infinite straight path extending in both directions, a ray has an origin and a direction vector that extends infinitely in one direction. The equation of a ray can be modeled as a parametric equation:

where o is the origin, d is the direction vector, t is a parameter that varies along the ray and determines different points along its path, and r is a position vector representing any point on the ray.

Let’s look at an example of how we can apply this equation. Suppose we have the origin of a vector at (2,3) with a direction vector of (1,1). We want to know the position vector of that ray when t=5. Using the equation above:

Note that (7,8) is the horizontal and vertical displacement in the x and y directions. That is we have moved 7.07 units along the ray, using Pythagoras theorem, from point A to point C and not 5 units as specified by t. If we want to move 5 units along that ray, then we need to normalize our direction vector into a unit vector.

We then re-calculate our position vector which is now (5.5, 6.5). If we check again with Pythagoras theorem, then we have indeed moved 5 units along that ray.

image image image

We will first work on the mathematical calculations of how we can model a circle. Since it is easier to work in 2D, when modeling for a 3D sphere we will just need to add a z component. We will change our equation of a ray with different variables to avoid any notation confusion in the future. Note that I also separated it into their x-y components:

Below is the equation of a circle where a and b are the center and r is the radius.

<img src=>

Suppose we have a circle centered at the origin with radius 3. We also have a ray with an origin (-4,4) with a direction vector of (-1,-1), we want to know if that ray will intersect with the circle, and if so, where?

Our logic will be as follows:

if intersection:
      pixel_color = "red"
      pixel_color = "black" #background color

We start by replacing the x and y components of our ray equation into the equation of the sphere:

We now expand the equation and remove t outside the bracket:

In order to solve this quadratic equation, we can use the quadratic formula:

with the discriminant being:


Note that we can first check if we have any solution at all by plugging in the values into the discriminant. Normally, if the discriminant = 0, then we have one solution such that the line is tangent to the circle, if the discriminant > 0, then we have 2 solutions with the line intersecting the circle at two distinct points and finally, if the discriminant < 0, then we have 0 solutions, with the line not intersecting the circle at all. Below is a graphical representation of it:

1 Solution 2 Solutions 0 Solution
Image 1 Image 2 Image 3

We then solve for t and plug the values of the latter into our equation for the ray where we get the x and y values for the point of intersections which are: (-2,12, 2.12) and (2.12, -2.12). Now let’s implement it in Python but for a sphere. Our quadratic formula will change to:

We start by creating a class for the sphere whereby we will first compute the discriminant and then check if the latter >= 0, then we will color the pixel red. Note that previously, we already have created our rays which will originate from (0,0,0) and project downwards the z-axis. Our goal will be similar to that of the circle above, find where the rays intersect and then color the pixel.

Note that previously, we set the origin as the circle at (0,0), here we will incorporate the center as a variable (cx, cy, cz) which can be changed.

class Sphere ():

    def __init__(self, center, radius, color): = center
        self.radius = radius
        self.color = color

    def intersect (self, ray_origin, ray_direction):

        # we want to solve:
        # (bx^2 + by^2 + bz^2)t^2 + 2(axbx + ayby + azbz)t + (ax^2 + ay^2 + az^2 - r^2) = 0
        # where:
        # a = ray origin
        # b = ray direction
        # r = circle radius
        # t = hit distance

        # Center components
        cx =[0]
        cy =[1]
        cz =[2]

        # Ray direction components
        bx = ray_direction[:, 0] #(160000,)
        by = ray_direction[:, 1]
        bz = ray_direction[:, 2]

        # Ray origin components
        ax = ray_origin[:, 0]
        ay = ray_origin[:, 1]
        az = ray_origin[:, 2]

        a = bx**2 + by**2 + bz**2
        b = 2 * (((ax-cx)*bx) + ((ay-cy)*by) + ((az-cz)*bz))
        c = (ax-cx)**2 + (ay-cy)**2 + (az-cz)**2 - self.radius**2

        # Store colors for each ray.
        intersection_points = []
        num_rays = ray_origin.shape[0] #16000
        colors = np.zeros((num_rays, 3))
        #intersection_points = np.zeros((num_rays, 3))

        ## Quadratic formula discriminant: b^2 - 4ac
        discriminant = b**2 - 4 * a * c #(160000,)

        # Iterate through the rays and check for intersection.
        for i in range(num_rays):
            if discriminant[i] >= 0:
                # Calculate the intersection point (quadratic formula)
                t1 = (-b[i] + np.sqrt(discriminant[i])) / (2 * a[i])
                t2 = (-b[i] - np.sqrt(discriminant[i])) / (2 * a[i])
                # Calculate both intersection points (plug in ray equation)
                intersection_point1 = ray_origin[i] + t1 * ray_direction[i]
                intersection_point2 = ray_origin[i] + t2 * ray_direction[i]

                # Store both intersection
                intersection_points.append([intersection_point1, intersection_point2])

                # Assign the sphere's color to rays that intersect the sphere.
                colors[i] = self.color

        return intersection_points, colors

Here’s the result. When viewed on a 2D plane, it appears to be a circle but with Plotly in 3D we indeed confirm we have created a sphere. Also, notice that our sphere is hollow. That is, we have only points on the surface of the sphere and none on the inside. This makes sense as we are only taking into account the point of intersections of the ray and the sphere. In the next iteration, we will change this to have a solid sphere and assign density to the points inside.

Let’s explore the NeRF paper first before improving our sphere further.

1. Understanding NeRF

1.1 Volumetric Scene Representation

What has been done before NeRF is to have a set of images and use 3D CNN to predict a discrete volumetric representation such as a Voxel Grid. Though this technique has demonstrated impressive results, however, computing and storing these large voxel grids can become computationally expensive for large and high-resolution scenes. What NeRF does is represent a scene as a continuous 5D function which consists of spatial 3D location x = (x,y,z) of a point and the 2D viewing direction d = (θ, φ). This is the input.

By using the 5D coordinates along camera rays as input, they can then represent any arbitrary scene as a Fully Connected neural network (MLP) - 9 layers and 256 channels each. By feeding those locations into the MLP, they produce the emitted color in c = (r,g,b) and the volume density, σ. This is the output.

From the function above, we want to optimize the weights CodeCogsEqn (4) that effectively associates each 5D coordinate input with its respective volume density and emitted directional color that represents the radiance.

Image Source: NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis

Let’s explain the overall pipeline of the NeRF architecture:

a) Images are generated by selecting specific 5D coordinates that include both spatial location and the direction in which the camera is looking, all along the paths of camera rays.

b) Using these positions, we input them into a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) to generate both color and volume density information.

c) We apply volume rendering techniques to combine these values into a final image.

d) Since this rendering function is differentiable, we can improve our scene representation by minimizing the difference between the images we synthesize and the ground truth images we’ve observed

Moreover, the author argues that they promote multiview consistency in the representation by constraining the network to estimate the volume density, σ as a function of the spatial position (x) exclusively. At the same time, they enable the prediction of RGB color (c) as a function of both the spatial position (x) and the viewing direction (d).


  1. θ (theta) and φ (phi) represent the angular coordinates of a ray direction in spherical coordinates as shown below.
  2. The output density represents the probability distribution of how much of a 3D point in the scene is occupied by the object or scene surface. More precisely, it indicates whether a particular 3D point along a viewing ray intersects with the object’s surface or not.

Image Source: Spherical coordinate system

1.2 Volume Rendering

Recall that density, σ, can be binary, where it equals 1 if the point is on the object’s surface, i.e., it intersects with the scene geometry, and 0 if it is in empty space. Hence, everywhere in space, there is a value that represents density and color at that point in space.

Image Source: NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis

We start by shooting a ray (camera ray) in our scene as shown below by Ray 1 and Ray 2. The equation of the camera ray is dependent on the origin, o, and the viewing direction, d for different time t.

We then sample a few points along the ray. For each point, we record the density and color at this point in space. We calculate the expected color as such:

  1. To compute the color of a camera array that passes through the volume we need to estimate a continuous 1d line integral along that ray.

  2. They do this by querying the MLP at multiple sample points within the range of starting and ending distances, denoted as t1 and tn.

  3. The author does not solve this integration numerically but instead uses the quadrature rule.

Image Source: Understanding and Extending Neural Radiance Fields

  1. This estimation process computes the color CodeCogsEqn (12) of any camera ray by summing up contributions from each segment of the ray’s path.

  1. Each contribution includes the color of the segment CodeCogsEqn (13), which is weighted by the accumulated transmittance, CodeCogsEqn (14), which computes how much light is blocked earlier along the ray and CodeCogsEqn (15) which is how much light is contributed by ray segment i, which is a function of the segment’s length and its estimated volume density.

The author also argues that they allow the color of any 3D point to vary as a function of the viewing direction as well as 3D position. If we change the direction inputs for a fixed (x,y,z) location, we can visualize what view-dependent effects have been encoded by the network. Below is a visualization of two different points in a synthetic scene. It demonstrates how for a fixed 3D location adding view directions as an extra input allows the network to represent realistic view-dependent appearance effects. P.S. Kudos to Maxime Vandegar for the explanation.

Image Source: NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis

1.3 NeRFing a sphere: Part II

Signed distance functions, SDFs, when passed the coordinates of a point in space, return the shortest distance between that point and some surface. The sign of the return value indicates whether the point is inside that surface or outside. For our case, points inside the sphere will have a distance from the origin < the radius, points on the sphere will have distances = equal to the radius, and points outside the sphere will have distances > than the radius.

We will change our class sphere such that this time we won’t compute for intersections of rays with the sphere, but instead sample points along the rays and check if the point is less than the radius. If so, we will assign a color to that point and a density value.

class Sphere ():

    def __init__(self, center, radius, color): = center
        self.radius = radius
        self.color = color

    def intersect(self, point):

        :param point: [batch_size, 3]. It is the sampled point along a ray
        :return: color, density

        # Center components
        cx =[0]
        cy =[1]
        cz =[2]

        # separtate point into x-y-z components
        x_coor = point[:, 0]
        y_coor = point[:, 1]
        z_coor = point[:, 2]

        # any point less than radius^2 are in the sphere
        # x^2 + y^2 + z^2 < r^2
        condition = (x_coor-cx)**2 + (y_coor-cy)**2 + (z_coor-cz)**2 < self.radius**2

        # store colors and density for each ray.
        num_rays = point.shape[0] #16000
        colors = np.zeros((num_rays, 3))
        density = np.zeros((num_rays, 1))

        # Iterate over each ray and check the condition
        for i in range(num_rays):
            if condition[i]: # if condition[i] = true
                colors[i] = self.color
                density[i] = 10

        return colors, density

Next, the author talks about using a stratified sampling approach whereby they partition [tn, tf] into N evenly-spaced bins and we also need to calculate the distance between the adjacent samples which is equal to delta. We implement it as follows:

    # divide our ray at equally spaced intervals
    t = torch.linspace(tn, tf, bins).to(device)

    # calculate delta: t_i+1 - t_i ## distance between adjacent samples
    delta =[1:] - t[:-1], torch.tensor([1e10], device=device))) #for the last delta value we set to infinity (1e10)

We define our equation of ray:

    # Equation of rays
    ray = ray_origin + t * ray_direction

We calculate the RGB color and density at that sampled point:

    # calculate colors, and density at the sampled point
    colors, density = model.intersect(ray_reshape)

We compute alpha as follows:

    # compute alpha
    alpha = 1 - torch.exp(- torch.from_numpy(density) * delta.unsqueeze(0))

Next, we compute the accumulated transmittance using the equation below:

def accumulated_transmittance(alpha):
    # T = Π(1-alpha) {j=1, i-1}
    T = torch.cumprod((1-alpha), 1)
    # # shift everything to write as j starts at 1 (and not 0)
    T[:, 1:] = T[:, :-1]
    # # set first iteration = 1 (e^0 = 1)
    T[:, 0] = 1
    return T

# compute accumulated transmittance
T = accumulated_transmittance(alpha) #([160000, 100])

Finally, we compute the expected color using the equation below:

    # computer expected color
    expected_color = (T.unsqueeze(-1) * alpha.unsqueeze(-1) * torch.from_numpy(colors)).sum(1) #sum along bins

From the image below, we observe that the first sphere was from the first iteration which shows no rendering. The second sphere is a rendered one which we just did. Notice how it gives a more 3D realistic rendering of the object. one important thing to note here is that our sphere is no longer hollow. That is, we can see we have points inside the sphere as shown in the last diagram. It seems we have layers of circles with reducing radii that form the sphere, as we go towards the top. This is due to the N evenly-spaced sampled points from our rays.

image image image

The author argues that the function to calculate the expected color is differentiable. Hence, we will test this by first creating a ground truth sphere of color red.

    # parameters for sphere
    center = np.array([0., 0., -2.])
    radius = 0.1
    color = np.array([1., 0., 0.]) #red

    # create model with parameters
    model = Sphere(center, radius, color)
    # create target image
    b = rendering(model, ray_origin, ray_direction, tn=1.0, tf=2.0, bins=100, device='cpu')

We will then initialize a second color that will need to be optimized. We will set it to green with the parameter requires_grad=True.

    # Optimization of color
    color_to_optimize = torch.tensor([0., 1., 0.], requires_grad=True) #green

We then set our optimizer to Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), calculate the loss between the ground truth and our predicted value, and do backpropagation to update the color.

    # create an SGD optimizer with the color_to_optimize tensor as the parameter to optimize
    optimizer = torch.optim.SGD([color_to_optimize], lr=1e-1)
    # list to store training losses
    training_loss = []

    for epoch in range(200):
        # create a sphere model with the parameters
        model = Sphere(center, radius, color=color_to_optimize)
        # render the scene - Ax
        Ax = rendering(model, ray_origin, ray_direction, tn=1.0, tf=2.0, bins=100, device='cpu')
        # calculate the loss as the mean squared difference between Ax and the target image b
        loss = ((Ax - b) ** 2).mean()
        # zero the gradients in the optimizer
        # Compute gradients using backpropagation
        # update model parameters using the optimizer

We train for 200 epochs and plot the resulting image after each 10 epochs. Below is the result


Notice how we started with a green sphere and after each 10iteration, we can see the changes from green to red. By iteration 120 we have a fully red sphere.

1.3 Improvement 1: Positional Encoding

The author argues that when the neural network operates directly on the input coordinates (x,y,z) and the viewing direction,d, the resulting renderings struggle to capture fine details in color and geometry. That is, the neural network is not good at accurately capturing and displaying these small, detailed changes in color and shape, which can be important for realistic and detailed 3D scene rendering.

What they did instead was to use high-frequency functions to map the inputs to a higher-dimensional space before passing them to the MLP and this accurately captured and modeled the data with intricate, high-frequency variations. As shown in the image below, they map the spatial position and viewing direction (after converting from a spherical to a cartesian coordinates system) into a higher dimensional space using the sine and cosine functions.

Note that, for the 3D spatial location they use L (frequency of encoding) = 10, which means they will use frequency functions up to (sin(2^9(x)), cos(2^9(x))), and similarly for the viewing direction they use L = 4, which ends at ((sin(2^3(x)), cos(2^3(x))). One important thing to observe is that when mapping into high dimensional space, we are only predicting the color (r,g,b) values alone and not the density.

Let’s see how we can code this:

def positional_encoding(x: torch.Tensor, L: int) -> torch.Tensor:
    # to store encodings
    encoding_components = []

    # loop over encoding frequencies up to L
    for j in range(L):
        # Calculate sine and cosine components for each frequency
        encoding_components.append(torch.sin(2 ** j * x))
        encoding_components.append(torch.cos(2 ** j * x))

    # concatenate original input with encoding components
    encoded_coordinates =[x] + encoding_components, dim=1)

    return encoded_coordinates

Note that the output shape is (N, 3 + 6 * L) as the original input x has 3 features (x, y, z) and for each of the 3 spatial dimensions (x, y, z), we apply L frequencies of encoding, resulting in 2 x L. Since we have 3 spatial dimensions, we have a total of 3 x (2 x L) = 6 x L encoding components in total. In the end, we concatenate our original features with encoding components, hence 3 + 6 x L.

1.4 Improvement 2: Hierarchical Volume Sampling

A second improvement that the authors suggest to efficiently render 3D scenes is hierarchical volume sampling. It involves creating two levels of volume sampling: a coarse and a fine one. Initially, the scene is sampled at a coarse level to understand the basic structure and distribution of light and matter. The algorithm then performs a more detailed sampling at a fine level in areas of interest.

This method is like being smart about painting a picture. Instead of painting every part in detail from the start, you first figure out which parts of the picture are most important. Then, you spend more time and effort on those important parts to make them look really good. This way, you finish the picture faster and it looks better because you focus on the parts that matter the most.

I will omit this part in the code for a simpler version of NeRF. This part is still a work in improvement for me. Patience!

2. 3D Model using Blender

In the fall of 2023, I took an AR/VR class where I learned Blender from Studio X at the University of Rochester. Below is my 3D model from that class which is a combination of 3D meshes like cylinder, cube, cone, torus, and ico sphere.

I will then run a script inside Blender that will take pictures at different angles of the 3D model and register the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the camera associated with each image.


3. Training NeRF

3.1 Fully Connected Network

Up to this point, we’ve discussed the high-level representation of the continuous 5D input through an MLP. Now, let’s delve into the fully connected network and dissect its components.

The architecture is quite simple: we have 8 fully connected ReLU layers, each with 256 channels. At the 5th layer, there’s a skip connection. It’s important to note that we take input from the positional encoding of the input location. In the 9th layer, we merge the 256-dimensional feature vector with the positional encoding of the viewing direction. The final output consists of 3 color channels and 1 density channel.

3.1.1 MLP Architecture

Let’s set up the architecture and initialize the parameters. We are using the formula (N, 3 + 6 * L) to calculate the size of the in_features parameter. Though the paper states that the input is 60, the real input size is 63.

    def __init__(self, L_pos=10, L_dir=4, hidden_dim=256):
        super(Nerf, self).__init()
        # Frequency of encoding
        self.L_pos = L_pos
        self.L_dir = L_dir

        # Fully connected layers
        # Block 1:
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(L_pos * 6 + 3, hidden_dim)
        self.fc2 = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, hidden_dim)
        self.fc3 = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, hidden_dim)
        self.fc4 = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, hidden_dim)
        self.fc5 = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, hidden_dim)
        # Block 2:
        self.fc6 = nn.Linear(hidden_dim + L_pos * 6 + 3, hidden_dim)
        self.fc7 = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, hidden_dim)
        self.fc8 = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, hidden_dim)
        self.fc9 = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, hidden_dim + 1)
        # Block 3:
        self.fc10 = nn.Linear(hidden_dim + L_dir * 6 + 3, hidden_dim // 2)
        self.fc11 = nn.Linear(hidden_dim // 2, 3)

        # Non-linearities
        self.relu = nn.ReLU()
        self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid()

Now let’s define the forward pass of the network step by step. First, we create encoded features for our spatial position (x,y,z) and viewing direction, d using the positional_encoding function we described before.

        x_emb = self.positional_encoding(xyz, self.Lpos)  # [batch_size, Lpos * 6 + 3]
        d_emb = self.positional_encoding(d, self.Ldir)  # [batch_size, Ldir * 6 + 3]

3.1.2 Block 1

The input location undergoes positional encoding and passes through a sequence of 8 fully connected ReLU layers, each comprising 256 channels.

        ### ------------ Block 1:
        x = self.fc1(x_emb)  # [batch_size, hidden_dim]
        x = self.relu(x)
        print("Shape after fc1:", x.shape)

        x = self.fc2(x)
        x = self.relu(x)
        print("Shape after fc2:", x.shape)

        x = self.fc3(x)
        x = self.relu(x)
        print("Shape after fc3:", x.shape)

        x = self.fc4(x)
        x = self.relu(x)
        print("Shape after fc4:", x.shape)

        x = self.fc5(x)
        x = self.relu(x)
        print("Shape after fc5:", x.shape)

3.1.2 Block 2

The author adopts the architectural approach from DeepSDF, incorporating a skip connection that appends the input to the activation of the fifth layer.

        ### ------------ Block 2:
        x = self.fc6(, x_emb), dim=1)) #skip connection
        x = self.relu(x)
        print("Shape after fc6:", x.shape)

        x = self.fc7(x)
        x = self.relu(x)
        print("Shape after fc7:", x.shape)

        x = self.fc8(x)
        x = self.relu(x)
        print("Shape after fc7:", x.shape)

        x = self.fc9(x)
        print("Shape after fc9:", x.shape)

3.1.2 Block 3

For Block 3, an additional layer generates the volume density, which is rectified using a ReLU to ensure non-negativity and a 256-dimensional feature vector. This feature vector is concatenated with the positional encoding of the input viewing direction d, and the combined data is processed by an extra fully connected ReLU layer with 128 channels. Finally, a last layer, employing a sigmoid activation, produces the emitted RGB radiance at position x, as observed from a ray with direction d.

        ### ------------ Block 3:

        # Extract sigma from x (last value)
        sigma = x[:, -1]

        # Density
        density = torch.relu(sigma)
        print("Shape of density:", density.shape)

        # Take all values from except sigma (everything except last one)
        x = x[:, :-1]  # [batch_size, hidden_dim]
        print("Shape after x:", x.shape)

        x = self.fc10(, d_emb), dim=1))
        x = self.relu(x)
        print("Shape after fc10:", x.shape)

        color = self.fc11(x)
        color = self.sigmoid(color)
        print("Shape after fc11:", color.shape)

Let’s check our code with simulated data:

    # Simulated data
    xyz = torch.randn(batch_size=16, 3)
    d = torch.randn(batch_size=16, 3)

Below is the output:

Shape of x_emb:  torch.Size([16, 63])
Shape of d_emb:  torch.Size([16, 27])
Shape after fc1: torch.Size([16, 256])
Shape after fc2: torch.Size([16, 256])
Shape after fc3: torch.Size([16, 256])
Shape after fc4: torch.Size([16, 256])
Shape after fc5: torch.Size([16, 256])
Shape after fc6: torch.Size([16, 256])
Shape after fc7: torch.Size([16, 256])
Shape after fc8: torch.Size([16, 256])
Shape after fc9: torch.Size([16, 257])
Shape after fc10: torch.Size([16, 128])
Shape after fc11: torch.Size([16, 3])
Density shape: torch.Size([16])
Color shape: torch.Size([16, 3])

We trained the model for 5 epochs, a batch size of 1024, and a learning rate of 1e-3 and below we see how the Mean Squared Error (MSE) loss curve starts at a relatively high-value then decreases sharply within the first few hundred iterations. The final loss value is quite low, close to zero, indicating good performance of the model on the training dataset

3.2 Novel View Synthesis

To have a good 3D reconstruction, one parameter that we need to control is tn and tf which are the near and far bounds, respectively, along a ray. We generated our data from Blender by rotating the camera on a sphere with a radius of 3. This means that the object can not be in the bounds outside tn = 0, and tn = 6. Also, the object is smaller than (2, 2), so an even better bound would be something like tn = 2 and tf = 4. As a rule, tn = (radius - object_size - 0.2) and tf = (radius + object_size + 0.2).

We test our model on the test dataset which consists of 10 images and below are the results for different bounds. We also calculate the metric PSNR (Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio) which is used to measure the quality of reconstruction of an image. It is expressed in decibels (dB) and higher values indicate better quality. A value of 29.3 dB was obtained.

[tn, tf] = [8, 12] [tn, tf] = [1, 6] [tn, tf] = [2, 4]
First Image Second Image Third Image

Below are the extracted mesh for different bounds. As explained above, a bound between 2 and 4 would be more appropriate for this dataset.

[tn, tf] = [8, 12] [tn, tf] = [6, 10] [tn, tf] = [3, 8]
Image 1 Image 2 Image 3

Here’s the result after 5 epochs. We clearly see the structure of the 3D model - the rectangular body, the two cylindrical eyes, the torus smile, the cone hat, and, the eco-sphere bottom - though it is not as refined as the blender model. This may be due to not implementing the hierarchical volume sampling feature of NeRF.


In this project, we showed how to create a vanilla NeRF from scratch (though we emitted the Hierarchical Volume Sampling technique). We did mesh extraction but did not see color extraction for the 3D reconstructed model. The field of NeRF has since exploded and now has more advanced techniques such as Instant-NGP, iNeRF, KiloNeRF, FastNeRF, SqueezeNeRF, and so on. We needed known camera parameters (intrinsic and extrinsic) for this NeRF but now we also have NERF without known camera parameters. All in all, this remains a good experience to see really how NeRF works.


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